Google Widevine DRM
Hollywood approved Google Widevine Security that protect your videos from hackers and downloaders
Google Widevine DRM plugin for premium videos on Desktop & Android
Fetch Google Widevine license server
Android SDK to integrate offline secure playback inside
Read more on Widevine architecture details
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Security features that protect your premium content and help you make fantastic revenues
Widevine DRM Encryption
Videos are DRM encrypted during encoding, and can only be decrypted on the user device player.
Widevine DRM Infrastructure details
Widevine DRM License Restriction Implementations
Backend Licensing & Authentication
VdoCipher video player uses OTP-based backend authentication system to keep your videos safe from downloader plugins
How VdoCipher DRM fits in your tech stack
Dynamic Watemarking
Add IP address, User-Id and Email-Id to deter screen capture. Identify point of origin of piracy.
Sample Watermark
IP, Geo & Time Based Restriction
Restrict access to particular Geo/IP. Enable restrictions to total user video play time.
IP-Geo restriction via API and dashboard
Widevine DRM License Restriction Implementations
Widevine Android SDK
Integration with Google's Widevine DRM to disable screen capture and ensure Hollywood-grade security.
Link to Android SDK
Fairplay DRM for IOS & Safari
Complete Security on iOS Devices, including blocking screen capture software.
APIs to integrate videos to your site

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